Senin, 20 Juli 2009

Upgrade BI smartphone SE P1,P990,M600,W950 tanpa harus flash

-instal Sony_Ericsson_PC_Suite_for_Smartphones_1_3_33 dan siapkan kabel DCU-60

-connect hp ke DCU-60 jika minta driver arahkan ke C:\Program Files\Sony Ericsson\Sony Ericsson Symbian 9 Drivers

-buka PC suite SE klik aplication installer

cari file yang udah kita download lalu klik next

proses instalasi berjalan tunggu sampe finish dan instalasi akan di lanjutkan ke HP

setelah finish ini hasil nya

semua file nya bisa di Download disini

Selasa, 14 Juli 2009

kode rahasia i-phone

Here are some more secret iPhone codes for you to enjoy. After realizing that the *3001#12345#* was a familiar Nokia code, I decided to spend some time googling for other phone codes that might work on the iPhone.

These (mostly) do. There are more. Feel free to add your own to the comments.

*3001#12345#* and tap Call. Enter Field Mode.Field mode reveals many of the inner settings of your iPhone, specifically up-to-date network and cell information.

*#06# Displays your IMEI. No need to tap Call.IMEI is the unique identifier for your cell phone hardware. Together with your SIM information it identifies you to the provider network.

*777# and tap Call. Account balance for prepaid iPhone.

*225# and tap Call. Bill Balance. (Postpaid only)

*646# and tap Call. Check minutes. (Postpaid only)These three are pretty self explanatory.

*#21# and tap Call. Setting interrogation for call forwards.Discover the settings for your call forwarding. You'll see whether you have voice, data, fax, sms, sync, async, packet access, and pad access call forwarding enabled or disabled.

*#30# and tap Call. Calling line presentation check.This displays whether you have enabled or disabled the presentation of the calling line, presumably the number of the party placing the call.

*#76# and tap Call. Check whether the connected line presentation is enabled or not.State whether the connected line presentation is enabled or disabled. Presumably similar to the calling line presentation.

*#43# and tap Call. Determine if call waiting is enabled.Displays call waiting status for voice, data, fax, sms, sync data, async data, packet access and pad access. Each item is either enabled or disabled.

*#61# and tap Call. Check the number for unanswered calls.Show the number for voice call forwarding when a call is unanswered. Also show the options for data, fax, sms, sync, async, packet access and pad access.

*#62# and tap Call. Check the number for call forwarding if no service is available.Just like the previous, except for no-service rather than no-answer situations.

*#67# and tap Call. Check the number for call forwarding when the iPhone is busy.And again, but for when the iPhone is busy.

*#33# and tap Call. Check for call control bars.Check all the usual suspects (voice, data, fax, sms, etc) to see whether barring is enabled or disabled for outgoing.

saya belum mencoba semua kode yang saya tulis diatas ini,apabila ada sesuatu yang ganjil kita bahas bersama

pengecekan short pada hp nokia 3100

check shoting in nokia 3100.....

1..remove both coil mark in (1) check the shoting cause pf.....

2..remove light ic n300 mark in (2) check the shoting cause by the light ic....

3..remove accessory regulator ic n100 mark in (3) check the shoting cause by it because this ic got +b from batery......

4..remove ringer ic n150 mark in (4) check the shoting cause by ringer ic...... end remove uem to check shoting is gone or not........

all the component which are mark in pink colur these all are coils and resistance these are place in series and +b of batery is gone throw them so if u remove the coil u not have to remove ic to check the shorting in pcb it save time and ur ic ....

pengecekan short pada hp nokia 6280

check shoting in nokia 6280....

1..remove this l7520 mark in (1) if u want to check the shoting of pf of gsm and wcdma ....if remove the coil and ur shoting is gone then tere is shoting in ur pf of gsm or wcdma ........

2..remove this coil mark in l7500 (2)...if u want to check the shoting of rf ic for .... by removing this coil if ur shoting is gone then there is shoting in ur rf ic .....

3...remove this resistance mark in (3) to check the bluetooth module ... to check shoting ...because it got +b from batery.....

4..remove this resistance mark in (4) to check the n6050 power supply maker ic make suplly for fm got +b from batery remove resistance to check shoting cause by this ic....

5..remove this resistance mark in (5) to check the shoting cause by irda ....because irda got the +b from batery......

6...remove this coil mark in (6) to check memory card driver ic n3200 .....because this ic got +b from batery....

7..remove this coil mark in (7)..if u want to check the light ic is short....

8..remove this ic mark in (Cool is vcam maker ic which make vcam for camera ......remove this ic to check shoting because this ic got +b from batery......

9..remove this mark in (9) is flash light driver ic ......remove it to check shoting cause by it or not.....

10.. at end remove retu and tahvo ic to check shoting is gone r not.......

all the component which are mark in pink colur these all are coils and resistance these are place in series and +b of batery is gone throw them so if u remove the coil u not have to remove ic to check the shorting in pcb it save time and ur ic ....

pengecekan short pada hp nokia N91

check shoting in nokia n-91........

1..remove this z7500 mark in (1) if u want to check the shoting of pf of gsm and wcdma ....if remove the coil and ur shoting is gone then tere is shoting in ur pf of gsm or wcdma ........

2..remove this coil mark in l7503 (2)...if u want to check the shoting of rf ic for gsm hinku and rf ic for wcdma vinku.... by removing this coil if ur shoting is gone then there is shoting in ur rf ic whether it is hinku or vinku.....under shield..cover....

3..remove this coil mark in (3)..if u want to check the shorting cause by (vdac) maker ic n2101 which make vdac for audio-dac ic n2100.........remove this coil to chec shoting .....because this ic got +b from batery....

4..remove this coil mark in (4)..if u want to check smps ic n4200.. ..this ic make v corea for omap ic and rap remove cil to check shoting is gone or not.....

5..remove this ic n5000 ape regulator mark in (5)..if u want to check the shoting is cause by this remove it to check shoting is gone or not....

6..remove light ic mark in (6) ... to check the shoting cause by light ic or not....

7..remove coil mark in (7) is vcam maker ic which make (vdd logic) ......remove this coil to check shoting because this ic got +b from batery......

8..remove coil. mark in (Cool... it is cam maker ic which make (vdd analog) for camera ....remove these coil to check shoting .....because it got +b from batery.....

9..remove bluetooth module mark in (9)... to check shoting ...because it got +b from batery.....

10..remove this coil mark in (10) check the ic n5205 which make voltage (vhdd)... for the 4gb & 8gb hard disk......this ic got +b from batery.......

11..remove wlan pa mark in (11) check shoting because this ic got +b from batery.....

12..remove wlan ic n6300 mark in (12) check the shoting because this ic got +b from batery..........

all the component which are mark in pink colur these all are coils these are place in series and +b of batery is gone throw them so if u remove the coil u not have to remove ic to check the shorting in pcb it save time and ur ic ....

pengecekan short pada hp nokia 2626 dct4+

check shoting in nokia 1110,1110i,1112,1600,2610,2310,2626......

1..remove this resistance mark in (1)..if u want to check the light ic is some sets this resistance is not present if it is not present then u have to remove light ic to check shoting is gone or not......

2..remove resistance r2160 mark in (2)..if u want to check the shoting cause by n2160 (speaker ic).....because this ic also got +b from batery......

3..remove ringer ic mark in (3)..if u want to check shoting remove it and check if shoting is gone replace it because ringer ic also got +b volt from battery....

4..remove the pf ic n7700 mark in (4)...if u want to check this ic is short remove it and check shoting...if it is shot then replace it... end check the power ic d2200 mark in (4) and reemove it to check shoting is there or not...{be careful it is pasted}......

all the component which are mark in pink colur these all are coils these are place in series and +b of batery is gone throw them so if u remove the coil u not have to remove ic to check the shorting in pcb it save time and ur ic ....

pengecekan short pada hp nokia 1650 dct4+

check shoting in nokia 1650,1200,1208......

1..remove this coil mark in (1)..if u want to check the light ic is short....

2..remove ringer ic mark in (2)..if u want to check shoting remove it and check if shoting is gone replace it because ringer ic also got +b volt from battery....

3..remove the network ic n7100 mark in (1)...if u want to check this ic is short remove it and check shoting...if it is shot then replace it... end check the power ic d2901 mark in (4) and reemove it to check shoting is there or not...

all the component which are mark in pink colur these all are coils these are place in series and +b of batery is gone throw them so if u remove the coil u not have to remove ic to check the shorting in pcb it save time and ur ic ....

pengecekan short pada hp nokia 6630

check shorting in nokia 6630....

1..1..remove this coil z7500 mark in (1) if u want to check the shoting of pf of gsm and wcdma ....if remove the coil and ur shoting is gone then tere is shoting in ur pf of gsm or wcdma ........

2..remove this coil mark in l7503 (2)...if u want to check the shoting of rf ic for gsm hinku and rf ic for wcdma vinku.... by removing this coil if ur shoting is gone then there is shoting in ur rf ic whether it is hinku or vinku....

3..remove this coil mark in (3)..if u want to check smps ic n4200.. ..this ic make v corea for omap ic and rap remove cil to check shoting is gone or not.....

4..remove light ic mark in (4) ... to check the shoting cause by light ic or not....

5..remove n1470 ic mark in (7) is vcamdig maker ic which make when front camera is activated ......remove this to check shoting because this ic got +b from batery......

6..remove n6031 ic mark in (6)... it is vreg maker ic for bluetooth module .....remove it and check shoting if ur shoting is then replace it.. this ic got +b from batery.... end remove retu and tahvo ic to check shoting is gone or not....

all the component which are mark in pink colur these all are coils these are place in series and +b of batery is gone throw them so if u remove the coil u not have to remove ic to check the shorting in pcb it save time and ur ic ....

pengecekan short pada hp nokia 6070

check shoting in 6070,6080,5070,6020....

1..1..remove the coil mark in (1)...if u want to check is pf is short remove it and check shoting...if it is shot then replace it...

2..remove this coil mark in (2)..if u want to check the light ic is short....

3..remove the resistance mark in (3) ..if u want to check irda module ... because irda module got +b from batery....

4..remove this v.camdig ic n1470 mark in (4)..if u want to check the v.camdig maker ic ..this v.camdig maker ic got +b from make v,cam for camera..... end check the power ic and reemove it to check shoting is there or not...

all the component which are mark in pink colur these all are coils these are place in series and +b of batery is gone throw them so if u remove the coil u not have to remove ic to check the shorting in pcb it save time and ur ic ....
check shorting in nokia n-70...

1..remove this z7500 mark in (1) if u want to check the shoting of pf of gsm and wcdma ....if remove the coil and ur shoting is gone then tere is shoting in ur pf of gsm or wcdma ........

2..remove this coil mark in l7503 (2)...if u want to check the shoting of rf ic for gsm hinku and rf ic for wcdma vinku.... by removing this coil if ur shoting is gone then there is shoting in ur rf ic whether it is hinku or vinku....

3..remove this coil mark in (3)..if u want to check the shoring cause flash light driver ic n1471 ....because this ic got +b from batery....

4..remove this coil mark in (4)..if u want to check smps ic n4200.. ..this ic make v corea for omap ic and rap remove cil to check shoting is gone or not.....

5..remove this ic n4201 ape regulator mark in (5)..if u want to check the shoting is cause by this remove it to check shoting is gone or not....

6..remove light ic mark in (6) ... to check the shoting cause by light ic or not....

7..remove n1472 ic mark in (7) is vcamdig maker ic which make when front camera is activated ......remove this to check shoting because this ic got +b from batery......

8..remove ic n1470 and n7505 ic mark in (8,9)... it is c camdig maker ic which make or front camera ....remove these ic to check shoting .....because it got +b from batery.....

9..remove bluetooth module mark in (10)... tocheck shoting ...because it got +b from batery..... end remove retu and tahvo ic to check shoting.......

all the component which are mark in pink colur these all are coils these are place in series and +b of batery is gone throw them so if u remove the coil u not have to remove ic to check the shorting in pcb it save time and ur ic ....

pengecekan short pada hp nokia 2630 dct4+

check shorting in nokia dct4++ 2630.....

1..remove the pf n7700 mark in (1)...if u want to check is pf is short remove it and check shoting...if it is shot then replace it...

2..remove this coil mark in (2)..if u want to check the light ic is short....

3..remove ringer ic mark in (3)..if u want to check shoting remove it and check if shoting is gone replace it because ringer ic also got +b volt from battery....

4..remove this v.camdig ic n3301 mark in (4)..if u want to check the v.camdig maker ic ..this v.camdig maker ic got +b from make v,cam for camera.....

5..remove this ic n6000 bluetooth and fm ic mark in (5)..if u want to check the shoting cause by it remove it and check shoting because it got =b from batery.... end check the power ic and reemove it to check shoting is there or not...

all the component which are mark in pink colur these all are coils these are place in series and +b of batery is gone throw them so if u remove the coil u not have to remove ic to check the shorting in pcb it save time and ur ic ....

pengecekan short pada hp nokia 6111

check shoring in nokia 6111...

1..remove this coil mark in (1)...if u want to check is pf is short,.....

2..remove this coil mark in (2)..if u want to check the light ic is short....

3..remove this coil mark in (3)..if u want to check flash light driver ic is short because flash light driver ic also got +b volt from battery....

4..remove this boot ic mark in (4)..if u want to check the shorting is made by boot ic is often damage in water damage set ....replace ith new one if it cause shorting......

5..remove this n2371 mark in (5)..if u want to check the v.camdig maker ic which make v camdig for camera also got +b from batery.....

6.. check the n2370r ic make vcorea suplyy for cpu ... it also got +b it can be check by only removing this ic.....

7..remove ringer ic mark in (7) to check shorting is gone or not...

8..remove bluetooth ic to check shoting is gone mark in

9..remove uem to check shorting......

pengecekan short pada hp nokia 3500 n 3110 c

check shorting in 3500....and 3110...

1..remove this coil mark in (1)...if u want to check is pf is short,.....

2..remove this coil mark in (2)..if u want to check rf ic is short because rf ic also got +b volt from battery....

3..remove this coil mark in (3)..if u want to check blutooth ic is short because bluetooth ic also got +b volt from battery....

4..remove this coil mark in (4)..if u want to check the v.camdig maker ic ..this v.camdig maker ic got +b from batery....

5..remove this coil mark in (5)..if u want to check the light ic is short....

6..also check the memory card driver ic n3200 it also got +b it can be check by only removing this ic..... end remove retu and tahvo ic ..

all the component which are mark in pink colur these all are coils these are place in series and +b of batery is gone throw them so if u remove the coil u not have to remove ic to check the shorting in pcb it save time and ur ic ....

pengecekan short pada hp nokia 5200 n 5300

check shoting in 5200 and 5300.....

1..remove this coil mark in (1)...if u want to check is pf is short,.....

2..remove this coil mark in (2)..if u want to check rf ic is short because rf ic also got +b volt from battery....

3..remove this coil mark in (3)..if u want to check blutooth ic is short because bluetooth ic also got +b volt from battery....

4..remove this ic ..if u want to check the v.camdig maker ic ..this v.camdig maker ic got +b from batery....

5..remove this coil mark in (5)..if u want to check the light ic is short....

6..also check the memory card driver ic n3200 it also got +b it can be check by only removing this ic..... end remove retu and tahvo ic...

all the component which are mark in pink colur these all are coils these are place in series and +b of batery is gone throw them so if u remove the coil u not have to remove ic to check the shorting in pcb it save time and ur ic ....

pengecekan short pada hp nokia 6300

check shorting in 6300...

1..remove this coil mark in (1)...if u want to check is pf is short,.....

2..remove this coil mark in (2)..if u want to check rf ic is short because rf ic also got +b volt from battery....

3..remove this coil mark in (3)..if u want to check blutooth ic is short because bluetooth ic also got +b volt from battery....

4..remove this coil mark in (4)..if u want to check the v.camdig maker ic ..this v.camdig maker ic got +b from batery....

5..remove this coil mark in (5)..if u want to check the light ic is short....

6..also check the memory card driver ic n3200 it also got +b it can be check by only removing this ic..... end remove retu and tahvo ic...

all the component which are mark in pink colur these all are coils these are place in series and +b of batery is gone throw them so if u remove the coil u not have to remove ic to check the shorting in pcb it save time and ur ic ....